About 50ac of oak woodland to play the usual games, and for milsims and scenarios to be played.
The intention is to have it up and running by summer 2025, with moveable scenery so that the place changes every couple of months, and scenarios like the Ardennes, Hougoumont Farm, Rorke's Drift and many others.
There will be a shop/office selling all of the usual kit, a 100m range for sighting sniper rifles, open every day for players to play/practice/train, a food van, and more.
Player prices for games would be £25 with own kit, from £40 with rented kit, option to rent other kit even if you bring your own but want to borrow something else, from £10 for non-game use of the range, play/practice/train...
So, what else would make it interesting?
The site will also have opportunities for the likes of youth camping, police/MOD training, dog training, etc. Late night/over night games, long games to give sides time to prepare their site/defences/organise tactics...
I am also looking for people who might be interested in a job there. Wages would be minimum wage but with a profit share option, paid weekly. Preference will be given to those with experience of working at an Airsoft site currently or recently. I would also like to invite ex-MOD/police people who would be willing and able to teach tactics and shooting skills.
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- Visa, Mastercard, Bank Transfer, Direct Debit, Money Order
Post Message
Popping my Airsoft CherryI am just home from my very first ever Airsoft session at Airsoft Cymru and I can honestly say that I had a really good time!I am remarkably unfi...
TheBoss (0)